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What is Harmy Goo?

In essence, the Harmy Goo pedal is your experimenter’s lab that allows you to extract and manipulate the harmonic content of any input signal. This is a 100% totally analog process, fine-tuned for any dynamic range and any playing style.

Any instrument can be used, the signal path is unbalanced for use with guitar, bass, keyboard, etc. The input section has high headroom making it ideal for in front of an amplifier or in the effects loop of an amplifier.
This pedal is designed to follow your picking dynamics. How hard or soft you hit the strings has a direct and profound impact on the sound of the process, it is the basis of all Goo cell generation. Active pickups are fully certified and fall within data input parameters for correct functioning of the process of cell extraction/manipulation.

This Goo process covers a very wide frequency bandwidth from laid back and mellow to up front and aggressive, all by adjusting the environment that the Goo is grown/generated in.

The bypass mode is unbuffered, true bypass.

Required power is positive (+) Barrel  9-12V power, 200mA.  Using 12V increases the headroom when using high level signals slightly. Never apply more than 12V, it will damage the unit. For most uses, there will be no audible difference when using 9V, as the front end is capable of accepting high levels signals (+10dBu) without using 12V.

Harmy Goo Demo 1

For this demo, I am playing my Fender baritone tele into the Harmy Goo pedal into a 1963 Fender Bassman into 2/12 Celestion cab using a UAD OX to send the signal to my DAW and recording with Reaper. Any delay or reverb is from the OX

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